That Makes No Sense! Please Use The Right Word In The Correct Circumstance.

As a business professional one of the worst offenses you can commit is to use the wrong word in a business setting. It makes you look uninformed and unintelligent, and undermines your position. So I have once again gathered more words that are easily confused and misused so you will not fall into the trap … Read moreThat Makes No Sense! Please Use The Right Word In The Correct Circumstance.


At this time of year I find myself reflecting back on the previous months, and I think of all the things that I am grateful for. I am certainly not alone in this practice, as there is an entire holiday devoted to doing just that. But I find that I tend to do it much … Read moreThankful

New words? Are these even words?

This is not going to be a long post today because I am too irritated to even type. The Oxford English Dictionary has just added 203 new words for 2019. You can see the list online but frankly, I wouldn’t bother. It is filled with words that have been in use for decades: ancestory, auditorily, … Read moreNew words? Are these even words?

How Often Do I Have To Post On My Blog?

This is another question I get asked quite often. It usually comes right on the heels of “Oh alright, I‘ll do a blog!” Honestly, I think you are all making this much harder on yourselves than it needs it be. I have one client who has a very specific arena he deals in, let’s say … Read moreHow Often Do I Have To Post On My Blog?