If You Say Your Going To Do, Then Do It!!

This may just be my pet peeve, and I readily admit it at the outset.  I think it stems from my years running a charity.  I do know that ever since those days I am more particularly aware of it, It being my irrational over the top reaction when someone says they are going to … Read moreIf You Say Your Going To Do, Then Do It!!

Not All Business Is Good Business

Have you ever been in a meeting with someone and they are just rubbing you the wrong way? Or they were so abrasive that you couldn’t wait to get out of the room? Or they didn’t seem to understand anything you were saying, or they would not stop talking and they kept going off on … Read moreNot All Business Is Good Business

Keep to a Schedule

I am probably one of the last people who should be on a soapbox preaching about keeping to a schedule. My life has been one crises after another. If not a crisis with a family member, of which there have been more than I can count on all of my fingers and toes, or a … Read moreKeep to a Schedule

You Are Always Marketing

So this kind of follows along with being your own billboard.  A true entrepreneur knows that the next opportunity is always just around the next corner. And a good businessman knows this as well.  That said, you never know when, where or how you are going to meet your next big client.  It could be … Read moreYou Are Always Marketing

You Are Your Own Billboard

Who is the best salesman of your business?  Who best represents your business? Your brand?  Well it should be, and it is you.  To that end when you are out networking, running errands or even socializing for that matter, do you do your best to represent your business and brand? I was at an after-hours … Read moreYou Are Your Own Billboard